Regulations 2023
In keeping with the stated goals of the Prize:
- The Michael Ramsey Prize for 2023 will be awarded to the author of an accessible theological book that is judged to make a valuable contribution to the faith and life of the worldwide Church.
- The book must be by no more than three living authors and it must have been first published between January 2019 and December 2022.
- The work should explore a single theological theme. Works of fiction, poetry, and devotionals are all ineligible for the prize.
- Multi-author works by more than three authors will not be considered.
- While publications arising from doctoral studies will be considered, they must be submitted by publishers with clear review procedures.
- With regret we can only accept nominations for books that are available in English.
- The Prize awarded to the author(s) of the winning work is £15,000 and two runner-up prizes of £5,000 will be awarded.
- The judging panel is appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The judges’ decision is final.
- Books may be nominated or entered via the forms on the Michael Ramsey Prize website. Books may be nominated by members of the public but entries to the Prize must be confirmed by relevant publishers.
- It is the discretion of the administration team and the judges as to whether a book is eligible and fits the subject matter. Their decision is final, and no conversation will be entered into.
- By entering a book for the Michael Ramsey Prize, publishers are agreeing that there are no previous or ongoing cases of libel with the relevant book.
- Each publisher of a long listed title must agree to:
- supply 4 physical books to be used for judging and promotion of the Prize
- supply an Ebook version of the book (if available) to be emailed to prize@michaelramseyprize.org.uk, to be used for judging of the Prize
- Each publisher of a shortlisted title must agree to:
- Ensure that the physical book (paperback or hardcover) is available for retail priced under £40 ($45, €45);
- supply 10 physical copies of the book, to be used for judging and for promoting the book and the Prize;
- secure the attendance of the author at the prize-giving ceremony to be held in London in December 2023;
- ensure shortlisted/winning authors are available wherever possible, for other public appearances and events such as signings, online discussions and academic/educational events to promote their book and the Michael Ramsey Prize in the UK and USA;
- Acknowledge the Michael Ramsey Prize in subsequent reprints, paperback editions and any point-of-sale material for the winning book. The Michael Ramsey Prize will provide stickers and flyers to the publishers for shortlisted and winning books.
- Each shortlisted author must agree to
- Make themselves available for interviews and publicity
- Be available to attend, and give a 15-20 minute address on the topic of their book, at a prize-giving event at Lambeth Palace in December.
- Give 3 public lectures in the UK and 3 public lectures in the USA on the theme of their prize-winning book. There will be no stipend offered for these appearances, but expenses will be paid.